I’ve been dropped from NME, im looking for a team going into s3 any role. Wish the best of luck to the boys.
— Jared Deline (@Dazeology) January 15, 2016
One of the standout players at the 2016 Smite World Championships was Adjust, the jungler for Enemy (NME). In season 2, he went from subbing on teams to starting for Enemy, and put up good numbers throughout the end of the season. Enemy was a team few thought would make it to the finals at SWC, given their youth and lack of big game experience, but team defied critics at made it all the way to Grand Final.
Following Enemy’s 3-0 fall to Epsilon, the team looked out of sorts in their post match interview, but did not reveal whether the team planned to stick together for Season 3.
Today, Adjust posted a tweet announcing his free agency, and team captain PaindeVande followed up with his own explanation via twitlonger:
About Adjust leaving NME:
The team decided it was in the best interest of its future to move on to a more vocal jungler for the next season. A few issues were addressed in the past 2 months but were left with little to no changes which caused a fairly big team chemistry conflict. It was played around, but never truly dealt with properly.
I was personally waiting to find him a new home before announcing any formal roster changes for he is still a phenomenal mechanical player and deserves to play on an SPL team of high caliber, but since he decided to announce it himself I’ll make my proper post now. We wish the best of luck to him!
As for our current roster, we’re set in stone for our 4 current players. We’ll be running tryouts soon with the available free agent junglers. We’re excited for next season and will be expecting to place 1st both online and at LAN. I’m not going to give any names out but there’s currently 4 players we’re interested in that showed interest back in the team.
PainDeViande, Captain and Support, Enemy
The move has been met with some astonishment from fans and game insiders:
Adjust, the best player on NME and the reason they even got to world’s is dropped in favor of mask. I must be really sick rn
— Diem: Still Live (@juiceDiem) January 15, 2016
@Dazeology Can’t understand that decision, you were awesome @ worlds. Good luck in future tho!
— Nagare (@YnK_Nagareboshi) January 15, 2016
@Dazeology I know the grand finals were disappointing but you made by far the biggest impact in that set
— Dan Carson (@Sauskeuz) January 15, 2016
While others tweeted support for Pain’s decision:
@NMEPainDeViande On a serious note, goodluck to NME moving forward, I hope they find whatever it is they are looking for in their jungle!
— Natalie (@Chloroboo) January 15, 2016
So who will be Enemy’s 4th? Where will Adjust end up? Tweet your predictions to @esports_source!