Vote for best gamertag between these 4
— NAMELESS (@NAMELESS) February 22, 2016
Who has the best gamertag in Call of Duty? Though compLexity’s NAMELESS tied for first in his own poll, our Editor in Chief Kim “mostlybiscuit” decided to put together a larger list. Before you send her angry tweets about the placement, remember, as Dexerto Mike once told her, “Your name is ‘mostlybiscuit’. I can take you.”
We’re breaking down the top 10 pro/well known Call of Duty gamertags based on the following criteria:
- 35% Sounds cool when casters scream it during events/league matches
- 20% Clean looking on Twitter
- 15% Originality
- 10% Can be said out loud in public without cringing
- 10% Is in some way reflective of the player’s personality
- 10% Has an interesting back story
Top 10 CoD Player Gamertags:
10. Sharp – It’s clean, it’s simple, and if you’re at all familiar with his sense of humor online- it’s very fitting. Sharp has a quick wit, and has remained a part of the pro Call of Duty scene by turning in some great LAN performances and sticking with Team Kaliber throughout some major team changes.
9. Apathy – If you’ve ever watched his YouTube videos or seen him at a LAN, you can tell he’s anything but apathetic when it comes to CoD, so the name may not reflect his personality, but it certainly sounds good. I like to think it’s kind of an antonym. It scores well for originality, and it certainly looks good on Twitter.
8. Madcat – EU player Madcat scores well because it’s an “OG name”, he managed to secure the original twitter handle, and the name sounds good when said out loud. As with an actual mad cat, you probably don’t fancy your chances when locked in a cage with the feisty Dylan “Madcat” Daly.
7. NAMELESS – Like the previous three names on this list, it’s just a great looking and sounding GT. NAMELESS isn’t as pleasing to say out loud, but when you say his name in CoD circles, everyone immediately knows who you’re talking about. The name itself conjures an image of a shadowy, withdrawn, mysterious figure- and while the somewhat outgoing man himself doesn’t really fit that description, the name still works in an online setting. NAMELESS gets additional points for having a poignant backstory, as described in this video:
6. Classic – This is just a really good GT. It doesn’t make top 5 because it’s not as original as one may desire (even though he’s verified, it’s still hard to find him on Twitter due to the word “classic” being very common), but it’s easily one of the best looking and best sounding names. Nicky D himself plays the game well, so our UK friends may call him a “class player” so “Classic” is fitting. Did I shoehorn in that explanation? Yes. Nonetheless, he’s made this list because his name is just that good.
5. Formal – One of the best fitting names on this list. Not only is Formal seemingly reserved, emotionless and business-like in game, he also has a knack for looking both bored and brilliant while making excellent plays. He’s one of the best FPS players in any game right now, and his name reflects his gaming style really well.
4. ACHES – When he was part of the legendary coL dynasty, he was absolutely a thorn in the side of many of his opponents, and his name is completely appropriate. It also scores points for being versatile; Patrick Price can be “Pattyaches” when it pleases him, “Backaches” when he’s carrying a team, and he certainly caused OpTic fans some “Heartaches” over the years.
3. Karma – A top name for a top player. It also connotes a feeling of a desire for somewhat petty justice. Black Ops 2 Karma was absolutely not opposed to shooting bodies or teabagging in-game, so the name may be fitting. Now a dad, a husband, and a player for the more family-friendly OpTic Gaming, Karma has calmed down a bit more publicly, but we still see flashes of the former wild man when he’s playing on stream.
2. Merk – The name is unique (when you search for Merk online, you can usually find handsome Joe DeLuca pretty easily) and it can feasibly double as a non-cringey nickname. The word merk also works well for a game based around brutal killing, so it’s just an overall good choice.
1. Mochila – Meaning “backpack” in Spanish, Mochila not only sounds good, but it’s also clever. He may not have played for long on very many top teams (he currently plays for non-CWL team, Cloud9), but his name is well known in the community. He’s a slay-heavy player that could feasibly carry a team on his back if needed during respawn maps, so the name works incredibly well.
Honorable Mentions: Censor, Parasite, Killa, Crimsix, Mirx, Goonjar, Attach and Saints (who would have made the list, but this redditor made too good of a case for his exclusion)