We’re getting down to business at the SMITE World Championships! I will be here all weekend long, posting updates, relevant memes, and videos from the event. Feel free to participate by tweeting or commenting on the blog!
Watch live video from HiRezTV on www.twitch.tv
That’s it for our PC SMITE coverage today!
Quarterfinal 4, Game 2: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
BaRRaCCuDDa is level 20, a full 9 levels above SebasPeCausa on Licht. This is turning into a slaughter. LG are up 12-4 after 19 minutes.
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 2: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
Quarterfinal 4, Game 1: Licht v Luminosity
The Latin American team Licht has raised a lot of eyebrows at this competition, and now they have a chance to go farther than any other team in their region has gone before if they can take out LG here.
LG’s JeffHindla picks up the first blood before minions spawn. NowIS (Ratataskor) gets taken out a short time later. Not a great start for Licht, who opted for aggression to start the match, and are getting taken out in these boxing matches in the jungle.
Licht has a chance to take out ScaryD early in the jungle but they played scared and scampered away before getting the kill. NowIS is all three of the deaths for the LatAm team. (3 minutes)
No real snow, but the roads are expected to ice up, so we’re being told that after the last PC match today the Hi-Rez folks are going to encourage the audience to leave the venue and get to safety. We’ll see if we can return tomorrow!
In the meantime, it’s time for North America’s Luminosity versus Licht!
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Team Allegiance manage to steal the Gold Fury in the 24th minute after NRG and Raffer slide in to try to take it down while they were backing.
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 1: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 1: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 1: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Quarterfinal 2, Game 1: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
The game is back up, and we’ve got team fighting in the jungle as both teams swarm in. ALG is chasing down NRG who keep poking players to start fights and then disengaging. It’s an interesting tactic to try and bait out players by NRG.
Meanwhile ALG keep picking up objectives, getting a 15 minute Gold Fury. NRG are still ahead in both kills and gold, thanks to their baiting strats, but ALG appears to be closing the gap.
Meanwhile, a bit of extra incentive for ALG to win from former World Champion Omega:
Quarterfinal 2, Game 1: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Allegiance get first blood by taking out Adapting who walked straight into a trap. They quickly followed up with another kill, and Allegiance have the lead in kills and gold in the 5th minute.
(7 minutes) Team Allegiance take the Gold Fury! NRG have been incredibly quiet to start the game. Very few initiated engagements with enemy players so far.
Quarterfinal 2: NRG Esports v Team Allegiance
Nike is getting a lot of love this tournament, she’s been picked in 5 matches and NRG in their first match are taking her as well. On the other side, we’re going to see Ratataskor again (W3aken).
Both teams are starting off quietly, no ganks off the bat, just some minion farming and carefully planning for lane control as they level up.
A brief team fight results in some hand bags to start off in the 3rd minute, but no kills yet.
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
Quarterfinal 2: SoaR v Obey
We have a little bit of time before our next match (Obey v SoaR), so let’s talk about some of the other stuff at the Hirez Expo. I took some time to walk around a bit yesterday, and played some of the new games offered by the studio.
I played a bit of their game Rivals because it looked like something I’d like. It’s a Collectible Card Arena game featuring the gods and characters from SMITE. It’s like Hearthstone is to for Blizzard’s IP but this also incorporates some portions of SMITE’s characteristics. For example, players use three lanes to play the card game (much like the three lanes in Conquest mode in SMITE) and they deploy units using cards to take control of their lanes.
One of the cooler parts of the game is that you can play across platforms on your account; meaning you can start playing the game on your mobile device and then pick up where you left off on your PC. Your progression is saved on your account across all platforms.
Want to try it out? Register for the closed beta at smiterivals.com
Quarterfinal 1: Team Eagr v Team Hapi
Quarterfinal 1: Team Eagr v Team Hapi