They say ‘all good things must come to an end’, and in OpTic Gaming‘s case, it was a great thing in the form of a three year old dynastic powerhouse team.
The squad of Scump, Crimsix, Karma and FormaL announced their split over the weekend after days of rumors and frenzied speculation within the Call of Duty competitive community. The new members of the team are Methodz and Octane, who will be replacing FormaL, who is heading to Luminosity Gaming, and Karma, who announced his retirement for the rest of the WWII competitive season.
Rosters officially locked on May 7th. The second stage of the Call of Duty World League begins on May 15th, with CWL Anaheim also coming up in June.
League Team Changes-
NA League:
OpTic Gaming: Scump, Crimsix, Octane, Methodz
Luminosity Gaming: John, JKap, Slacked, FormaL
Team Kaliber: Kenny, Accuracy, Fero, Enable
EU League:
Red Reserve: Rated, Joee, Zer0, Skrapz
Featured image courtesy of OpTic Gaming’s “Vision” series