Call of Duty

Call of Duty NA Relegations Results

April 1, 2016 Kim Key

Eight teams are competing for a spot in Season Two of the Call of Duty World League.  Four of the teams are Challenge Division teams who have earned points through online and LAN tournaments.  The other four [more]

Call of Duty

What to Watch This Weekend: EU CoD, SMITE, Fighting

March 25, 2016 Kim Key

It’s the weekend, and though your family desperately wants to spend some time with you- there’s eSports happening around the world. Here’s a list of events to keep watching via your Twitch app on your phone during lulls in conversation with the relatives. [more]

Call of Duty

Call of Duty EU Relegations Results

March 25, 2016 Kim Key

8 teams competed for 4 open spots in Europe’s Call of Duty World League this weekend. The teams ranged from UK veterans like Exertus, to online favorites in Rampage Tempo, and the massive central European fan favorites known as fabE. [more]