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Call of Duty

Call of Duty World League EU Relegations Preview

March 24, 2016 Kim Key

The best teams in Europe will battle in the Call of Duty World League Stage One Finals this weekend, but before they get started, the teams fighting for the chance to play in the league will have their turn in Cologne, Germany. [more]

Call of Duty

#TheReturnToTwitch: Who is Nadeshot?

March 22, 2016 Kim Key

86 thousand viewers, and one thousand subscriptions in one hour. Nadeshot has returned. Two years after leaving the Twitch community to broadcast on, Matthew “Nadeshot” Haag came back to Twitch following a flurry of negotiations to end [more]

Call of Duty

ANZ Call of Duty World League Relegations

March 19, 2016 Kim Key

Over the weekend, the ANZ region held its relegation tournament for Stage 1 of the Call of Duty World League. The tournament pitted non-league/amateur teams against the bottom 4 teams from the regular CWL season. [more]

Call of Duty

What To Watch This Weekend: Halo, CoD, Final Round, SXSW

March 19, 2016 Kim Key

It’s the weekend, and while you grind for that double XP on SMITE’s birthday weekend, shake the pollen from your clothing, and close all the blinds to block out the warm and friendly rays of the sun, be sure to keep some tabs open on your desktop for all the eSports action. [more]