Call of Duty

[COD] UMG 25k Challenge Variant

February 27, 2016 Kim Key

This weekend, 84 North American teams will have a chance to earn Challenge points to qualify for the Call of Duty World Championships later this year. UMG is holding its second $25,000 online tournament for both amateur and pro teams. [more]

Call of Duty

Top 10 Call of Duty Gamer Tags

February 25, 2016 Kim Key

Vote for best gamertag between these 4 — NAMELESS (@NAMELESS) February 22, 2016 Who has the best gamertag in Call of Duty?  Though compLexity’s NAMELESS tied for first in his own poll, our Editor in [more]

Call of Duty

Day 14 Call of Duty World League ALL SCORES

February 24, 2016 Kim Key

Scores (Updated throughout the day) ANZ Region Chiefs 3-2 Tainted Minds Apotheon 3-0 Nv Immunity 3-0 Mindfreak Exile5 0-3 OrbitGG   EU Region TCM Gaming 2-3 Team Infused Team LDLC 1-3 Splyce Giants Gaming 3-0 PuLse Gaming Epsilon eSports 1-3 Millenium [more]