Videos of the Week: True Life I’m A Gamer
Each week, we highlight some of the best videos we’ve seen, and we encourage you to post your favorites in the comments as well. [more]
Each week, we highlight some of the best videos we’ve seen, and we encourage you to post your favorites in the comments as well. [more]
Vote for best gamertag between these 4 — NAMELESS (@NAMELESS) February 22, 2016 Who has the best gamertag in Call of Duty? Though compLexity’s NAMELESS tied for first in his own poll, our Editor in [more]
We’ve put together a list of some tutorials, explanations, and builds for each Conquest map position in Season 3 of SMITE! Learn to play each position and decide which gods to try thanks to tips [more]
Smite has some of the most diverse and up to date emotes and sounds in gaming. The various emotes from voice packs are ripe for both parody and remixing, and one r/Smite redditor put some [more]
At the 2016 Smite World Championships ESS: Originals’ mostlybiscuit interviewed Hi-Rez co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Todd Harris. Related: mostlybiscuit’s piece on what the World Championship means for the local economy for the Atlanta NBC [more]
ESS is back from a wonderful weekend at the Smite World Championship in Atlanta, Georgia. It was the first live event covered by this outlet, and it certainly will not be the last. It wouldn’t [more]
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